Tyne Electrical in Colyton

Consumer units are an essential part of your home electrics. Being the first point of contact where electricity enters your house, its purpose is to safely distribute power to each area of your home. But why and when would a consumer unit need replacing in your Seaton home?

When Will I Need a Consumer Unit Replacement?

The age of your consumer unit is the most typical reason for a replacement. If you have a fuse board, which is an older version of a consumer unit, then it is now time to consider a replacement. Your fuse board would likely not meet the same safety requirements expected from a newer consumer unit and may not protect you as well. It is advised to upgrade your consumer unit every 20-30 years, but they should be checked regularly to detect early faults. By upgrading your consumer unit you will have the peace of mind knowing it is protecting your Seaton home from faults and dangers. You can also include a residual current device (RCD) in your upgrade. This offers personal protection from electrical dangers created by faulty appliances. This can be discussed when selecting your consumer unit replacement in Seaton.

Consumer Unit Faults

If you are detecting faults within your electrical systems, then you should get your consumer unit checked immediately. If your consumer unit is tripping regularly then this could be due to damage within your electrical systems. It is important to get your electrics checked by an electrician to stop any potential hazards. A qualified electrician would be able to test your electrics and inform you on whether your consumer unit needs upgrading. Tyne Electrical Services, in Seaton, are qualified and experienced in consumer unit upgrades and can offer advice when it comes to your consumer box replacement.

There may be times when you will need to add additional power to your home, such as when you’ve had an extension, or you want to install an EV charger. Your current consumer unit may not be able to take the overload of additional power, but installing a consumer unit with greater capacity can help take on your additional needs. If you are unsure whether or not you need a new consumer unit for your electrical upgrades, then contact a local electrician who can advise you further.

Who Can Replace a Consumer Unit?

Like all electrics, the installation of a consumer unit will require a trusted and qualified electrician. Electrical work can be complicated and if not installed correctly can lead to hazards such as shocks or fires. Your chosen electrician must be qualified to carry out the work and therefore able to supply a certificate on completion of the work. This will give you confirmation that the work complies with current wiring regulations. If you are in the Seaton area and would like to discuss a consumer unit replacement, then Tyne Electrical Services would be privileged to help. We are your local, trusted, qualified and NICEIC registered electrician.

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