Friendly and efficient service from Olly, emergency call out as sockets not working, every socket checked individuall

There are many requirements for ensuring that your holiday let is suitable for holidaymakers, making sure that the facilities are clean, tidy, and safe. When it comes to HOLIDAY LET ELECTRICAL TESTING IN BRIDPORT, we have that side of things taken care of for you.
You see, at Tyne Electrical Services, we are the areas trusted local electrician and regularly carry out holiday home electrical testing in the area.
What is Electrical Testing?
There are many different names for the process but the correct phrase is a ‘Periodic Electrical Inspection’ which then produces a document called an ‘Electrical Installation Condition Report’.
Electrical testing is a process which examines the condition of an electrical installation. We do this by performing a variety of tests including:
Continuity testing to ensure that earthing is safe and continuous throughout the wiring. Cable insulation quality checks to determine if cables are excessively worn or damaged, various resistance checks and electric shock protection device operation.
We carry out visual checks on the electrics, sockets, switches, and accessible wiring to ensure there is no damage, burning or risk of damage occurring.
Once these numerous checks have been carried out a report is produced.
What is contained in the report?
The condition report is a valuable document that specifies the condition of the electrics. There are a variety of test results, system information and ‘observations’ that are contained within the report.
The observations section contains details of anything that the examiner has discovered about the electrical installation on the day of testing. There are various ‘codes’ that are applied to situations found during the inspection as follows:
- C1 – Danger present – Immediate remedial action is required. Typically, these are situations where live parts may be exposed or easily able to be touched presenting an immediate danger to safety.
- C2 – Potential Danger – Urgent remedial action is required. These codes are applied where situations could conceivably become dangerous if not resolved quickly.
- C3 – Improvement Recommended – This code is used where non-compliances with the wiring regulations have been found that do not necessarily constitute a danger.
- FI – Further Investigation – The examiner should apply this code where they believe that, during further investigation, a danger or potential danger could be discovered.
Where a report contains C1,C2 or FI codes the report will be unsatisfactory and require remedial action to resolve.
Other recommended checks
Portable appliance testing (PAT) is recommended for any appliances that are supplied in the property for holidaymakers to use whilst on the premises. Toasters, kettles, and other small appliances should be checked by an electrician to ensure that there is no visual damage and to ensure that earthing is present where required.
Inspections between electrician checks
You should, where possible, ensure that visual checks are carried out in between electrician visits. This should not include any dangerous testing or inspection but rather visual checks of switches and sockets, appliance cords and fuse box / consumer unit visual checks.
Any visible damage or concerns should be reported to your electrician so they can cast an experienced eye over the issues and where necessary, repair, replace or carry out further checks.
At Tyne Electrical Services, we regularly carry out HOLIDAY LET ELECTRICAL TESTING IN BRIDPORT for many of our clients to ensure that their properties in good conditions and safe to use. If you would like more information on our services then get in touch today.