How often should I have an EICR?

There are a growing number of requests for safety electrical inspections as buyers and sellers of homes want to know the condition of the wiring system before committing to an offer or purchasing their home.

The best way to achieve this is through a Periodic Electrical Inspection a process whereby the electrical installation is inspected and tested by a Qualified Electrician. As your local ELECTRICIAN IN COLYTON, we are able to assist you with electrical checks. We will explain more about this in the following article.

What is an EICR exactly?

EICR stands for Electrical Installation Condition Report. It is a document of approximately 5-7 pages in length that details the findings of an electrical inspector during a periodic electrical inspection.

The document will highlight any dangerous situations or non-compliances with the current edition of the wiring regulations. The report will issue a code to various electrical situations. Each code relates to the severity of the situation.

C1 – Immediately Dangerous such as live parts exposed
C2 – Potentially Dangerous such as lack of suitable earth or loose connections
C3 -  Recommended improvement such as aging light switches or sockets

NOTE – Something which does not attract a code but the inspector wanted to bring to your attention.

For further information on EICR check our article here

How often should I have an EICR carried out?

The recommended frequency of electrical inspections varies depending upon the type of property and the intended use.

For privately owned domestic properties, it is recommended to have them checked out every ten years or sooner if the previous inspector has recommended a shorter inspection frequency.

For rented domestic properties in the UK the inspection MUST be carried out at intervals not exceeding 5 years. This is the maximum and the interval between inspections may be shortened if the inspector finds questionable test results or electrical situations that would require a more frequent electrical inspection.

When else should I have an EICR?

There are a number of times when an EICR would be recommended such as:

•    Selling or purchasing a home (other than brand new homes)
•    Before a consumer unit is changed
•    Before major building works take place
•    Following trauma to the electrical installation

Selling or purchasing a home

Before purchasing a property that is greater than 10 years old it is strongly recommended that an electrical inspection is carried out. A great deal can change in an electrical installation in 10 years depending upon the use of the property.

A family of 6 living in a smaller home is likely to put a lot of pressure on the wiring system, more so than a single pensioner in the same building. Then there is the DIY enthusiast whom may have carried out unsafe or non-compliant additions to the wiring.

There are all sorts of possibilities and reasons why an electrical inspection is a good idea. A home purchase is the biggest investment that most of us will make and as such, it is good sense to protect that investment.

Before a Consumer Unit is Changed

New consumer unit (INSERT HYPERLINK PLEASE)( ) installation brings modern technology to older wiring systems and as such there can be issues.

Old fuse box or consumer unit technology would not detect a range of electrical faults that the new equipment will. As such, a new unit could result in trip switches that will not turn on, will intermittently trip or result in circuits that need to be left disconnected until faults are fixed.

Its important to find this information out in advance to discover the faults and costs of any repairs that may be necessary. In very old installations, it may not be possible to have a new consumer unit installed as the wiring may be degraded to the point where a new unit will not even switch on!

Before major building works take place

It’s a great idea to have a picture of the condition of the electrical system before major building works take place. Any damage suffered by the installation can then be checked against a set point in time before the works took place.

In the event of damage, the electrician will also be able to see what test results were achieved before building works took place and any faults that appear may well be easier, quicker, and cheaper to locate.

Following trauma to the electrical installation

Where properties suffer flooding, fire, or other trauma, it is wise to have an electrical inspection carried out before attempting to restore power to the property.

Regular inspections and documentation could seek as evidence* to an insurer that a wiring system has been regularly maintained and should any damage occur, there are previous test results to measure against.

As your local ELECTRICIAN IN COLYTON, we are able to assist with all your electrical requirements. Check out our range of services or get in touch today with your requirements.

*(Check with insurer, policies may differ)